Urgent! Constructive Strategies is responding to the COVID-19 Emergency with new ways to support our patients and we want to keep you updated with our latest news.

    Construct healing strategies to discover inner peace

    You are not alone. No matter what problems you are facing, you can overcome them and I will help you. 
    Email me for your free 15 minute phone consultation.

    “Difficult Roads Often Lead To Beautiful Destinations”

    • I offer In Person and Telehealth therapy via Zoom

    Are you feeling alone, hurt, or sad and want to feel better? Are things just not going well and you've tried to fix it, but it just isn't working? Do you feel misunderstood and unheard in your relationship? Are you tired of having the same argument over and over and feel stuck?

    There is hope! There are ways to solve your problems. I can help you achieve a happy, fulfilling life, build healthy relationships and learn to be resilient in difficult times. Therapy is a place you can speak safely and confidentially, while getting the understanding and support you need.


    EFT and EFIT for couples and Indiviuals
    • Attachment 
    • Emotional Balance
    • Depression
    • Anxiety 
    • Relationship Counseling
    • Bipolar 
    • Difficulty adjusting to transitions
    • Family of Origin issues
    • Diagnosis of a terminal illness
    • Communication
    • Conflict Resolution
    • Anger, and verbal abuse
    • Infidelity and broken trust
    • Intimacy Issues
    • Loneliness and isolation
    • Terminal or chronic diagnosis of a member of the couple or a family member
    • Pre-marital Counseling

    "The Secret Of Change Is To Focus All Of Your Energy, Not On Fighting The Old, But On Building The New" ~ Socrates

    A better life is possible and I will guide you there

    No matter what you may be feeling, please know that you, and your life, do have the potential to change. The therapy process helps change the way you think about challenges, how to respond in relationships, and how you care for yourself. It's my honor to guide my clients through the therapy process and leading them to a happier life.
    You have already taken the first step, great job! Seeking the support of a psychotherapist is a positive step toward actively addressing and resolving emotions and situations that are troubling you. Many of my clients start therapy because they are feeling anxious or depressed, burdened by relationship struggles, or overwhelmed by life's demands. Others utilize the therapy experience as a way to improve personal happiness and explore self-improvement within themselves and in their relationships with others.


    Are you fighting over little things and can't stop? Or having intense angry fights leaving you hurt, lonely and questioning how much more you can take? Are you fed up and ready to leave? Did your spouse have a affair and you don't know whether to stay or not?
    When you are hurt and lonely in a relationship it is time to seek help. Get some help. Seek marriage counseling. Give it your best effort. Even if you fail, you’ll know that you did everything you possibly could. As a couples therapist I will help you learn effective communication techniques, master conflict resolution strategies, improve your relationships and make healthy decisions, You and your partner will learn to solve problems in a healthy and productive manner and learn techniques designed to rediscover happiness and find fulfillment and improve intimacy. Whether you want to simply resolve differences or need help repairing your relationship after an affair I can help. I help you increase satisfaction, heal from past hurts and create the relationship that you want.
    I realize that every couple is different so I don’t tell you what all couples need, only the particular things that you two need. You deserve a healthy and loving relationship and I will help you make that happen.
    Couples therapy is not limited to just marriage counseling. My work also includes premarital relationships and people in long-term relationship, as well as treating couples in gay and lesbian relationships.
    My specialty includes working with couples in which one member has been diagnosed with a terminal or chronic illness. I also work with couples in which a family member outside of the couple, such as a parent, sibling, or child, has a family member who has been diagnosed with an illness.
    Please check my PRACTICE AREAS page for more information.


    We all encounter times when it feels like we’re going through the motions of life alone rather than really living and experiencing. Sometimes life knocks us down with unexpected changes or losses that we don't know how to handle. We need but just can’t figure out how to feel less stressed and alone.
    We will focus on personal growth, healing, increased insight and self-understanding. My highest priority is helping you open doors to a new life. I offer a non-judgmental, compassionate environment to help you heal and take charge of your life. You will learn techniques that bring you closer to the person you want to be, to help you make decisions, build the relationships you wish to have, and have the life you want to live.
    I treat individuals with various issues, my extensive experience includes treating relationship issues, anxiety and stress, depression, bipolar disorder, difficulty adjusting to circumstances, low self-esteem, and phase of life transitions.
    Please check my PRACTICE AREAS page for more information.